Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Alright i like this girl im pretty sure she likes

so ive known this girl for like a week and a half. but we've been hanging out way more then most people do for knowing someone for two weeks. so we've been escalating steadily. last night, we were watching a movie, i gave her a mage,she laid down on me, and she grabbed my hand, and every few minutes she went to pull her hair back, then she would resume with hand grabbing...interlocking of the fingers and she rubbed my hand gently with her thumb, and i really wanted to make a move but didnt....if this happens again should i make a move. PLEASE HELP

Rate my Trade>????????

It's a fair deal imo. You have the pitching depth and Prado (despite being a stud) is covered by your other players. Holliday is a huge step up from Werth, but I'm not sure if that = JdlR and Prado

What is the oddest, weirdest food you've ever ate or tasted?

I ate some alligator, and i loved it! A friend borough me some from down south, and it was awesome...

On American idol, what was the name of the song?

What was the name of the song that Adam and Kris both sang for their last song last night? It was beautiful.

Whats the santa claus means?

An old man who rides around in a sleigh with raindeers. He lads on your rooftop slides down the chimney and leaves presents undeer your xmas tree at nigiht, for the good kids only.. HE's not real though..

Whats a good country song to walk down the aisle to?

As of right now I am having a country(ish) theme wedding so nothing but country music will be played (the prelude and postlude music will also be country but only instrumental of course) and I was wondering if anybody knew of any good country songs to have the brides maids walk down the aisle to as well as I (instrumental of course)? I was thinking "keeper of the stars" for the brides maids and "God bless the broken road" for me. And the recessional (played after married) to be "forever and ever amen" with lyrics but im not sure. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks

Cis [Pt (en) Cl2] exists but why doesnt its trans form exist?

i mean to say the ethylene diamine ligand could ligate via opposite vertices of the square plane and cl can ligate via the remaining 2 vertices....but many places i see the trans form doesnt exist wy?

How can I compare Colbert's mercantilism to Stalin's communism?

They're 2 COMPLETELY different things and yet this is an frq question. But I was thinking I could compare Stalin's 5 year plan with Colbert's "mercantilizing" for like national economic prosperity and all that that he did to get more money for the state. But I don't know what else

Ladies, why is this? hmmmm?

or maybe your blush doesn't let uv rays in? or has a higher sun protection then your other makeup so that part of your skin doesn't tan

Which Sign Do You Think Would Be Considered The Most Feminine?

What bodily characteristic would you identify with that particular sign to make that particular sign anymore feminine then the next?

Types of chemical reaction?

by dissolving hydrogen chloride in water, hydrochloric acid is formed, what type of reaction is this called? If can, please provide more information on this particular reaction, like links to websites, thanks so much in advance, I'll reward whoever gives the most RELEVANT answer

Why didnt the atlanta falcons take rey or vonte?

You said it yourself, they need a good corner. Vonte is a project. I think Rey's attitude has some teams scared. Jerry is a great player, and you can never have to many D linemen.

Do i have a chance......?

I definitely think you have a good chance, and that would be a great opportunity to jump-start your music career. If your that pionate about music (like I am) just go for it. Since you go to a private school, that might help, especially if you got good grades. Other than that, not really any pointers I got, just go for it and see if you can get an internship, go from there and move up the ladder =P

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Did u every read a ques., then answer quickly with sarcasm, rudeless, arrogances,and wish u never did it.?

I asked a ques, a few days ago and within a matter of seconds there were answers, I couldn't believe how quick I got answers. And I want to thank all for taken the time to answer the ques, which was very important to me, thanks.

OJ Simpson armed robbery trial.?

what does everyone think? will he get away with it this tiime? will his new "dream team" come through for him? how do youu think nicole's (his murder victim) family feels about this? do youu think they're happy that oj may finally be going to jail for his crimes?? ((not nicole's murder albeit, but whatev.))

Where could i buy the lastest CHI hair straighteners?

I want to know where i could buy the newest chi striaghtener; and im prettier sure they don't have a website...right?

What are historietas?

I have a midterm tomorrow for a Latin American pop culture cl. So what are historietas? and if you know, what is their relationship with Latin American pop culture.

17 weeks pregnant- felt baby moving, but now don't?

I'm 17 weeks pregnant with my second baby and I've felt the baby move every night for the last two weeks. Yesterday I felt the baby move during the afternoon, but not at night and now at 2 PM today I still haven't felt the baby move. Is it possible that the baby could be positioned differently now, or on a different sleep schedule? I also skidded on some rocks when I was hiking, I fell (not hard at all) on the side of my leg, not on my side or belly, and I did feel the baby in the afternoon after that happened, not sure if that would make any difference. Thanks!

BPM XM radio station question...about a song...?

The song is called "time" by Flanders. But the question is who does the remix!? Its on XM Sirius Satellite radio station called BPM which plays electronic/dance music. I have found the song on youtube but its not the remix which is played on BPM and Im hoping to find out because this is my favorite remix of this song. PLEASE HELP!

What do you think of my Wrestlemania 25 card ?

For sure that's a pretty entertaining Wrestlemania 25 card with some excellent matches booked.The MITB match looks to be the highlight match and the whole card is well worth 9/10 !

Monday, August 15, 2011

What is an energy transfer?

My science project ask me to make a food web and list the energy transfers? What is an energy transfer and how can I find it? Need to know energy transfers for when zebra's eat mice, gr and plants. When wildebeest eats gr and plants. When Gazelle eat gr and plants and when Cheetahs eat Gazelle, Zebra and WIldebeest.

Baby dropping and how far til she is here? First child =)?

don't get too excited could go overdue. First babies are unpredictable and pay little or no attention to their due dates. Some women do lose their plugs at this stage but it doesn't really mean anything in terms of how soon the baby will be making an appearance.

Can i watch a movie online?

first off, i know it's illegal to bootleg movies and distribute them all over the net. second, it's also illegal to hack into companies protected files and download that. let it be known, i'm pretty much technology illiterate. if i google "free online movies", about a thousand sites are available, i pick one and watch a movie without downloading anything, am i in trouble? also, let me know if i'm in the right category for this particular question. thank you to all.

I'm 20, and 5 weeks pregnant.?

It happened when I started dating my ex boyfriend again. I was on birth control at the time, and about a week ago I started having the symptoms of early pregnancy. So I took 2 pregnancy tests, and they both were faintly positive (the second pink line was very light on both tests). Before I found out I was pregnant, my ex and I broke up because of his jealousy issues. I still do love him, and I do want things to work out, but he seems kinda weird about finding out I was pregnant. He was quiet, unsure about what to do, because he has a 3 year old with his ex girlfriend and there is a lot of drama ociated with his son and her. He had to sign over custody rights to her. I wouldn't do that, I actually want to keep my baby, and I want my baby to have both parents. So I'm concerned about him deciding he doesn't want any part of our child's life. He is 23, and has a good job. So he wouldn't have any problem supporting us. I don't go to school, and I don't work, I was in the DEP program for the Army before I found out I was pregnant. Now, the military decision that was going to set me up for life is out of the equation, my parents do not know I am pregnant yet, and I already need to start going to the doctor for my monthly check ups. This baby is going to change my life, but I believe things happen for a reason. I will never abort a child, and I will only give up a child for adoption if I absolutely can not support my child. Which I know I can love my child unconditionally. I have very conservative parents, and their 20 year old, un-wed daughter is pregnant with a baby from a person they despise (my ex). Yet the only thing I really am concerned about is the welfare of my baby, and the happiness I want my child to have after birth. Being that I am very early in my pregnancy, I am also concerned about the fact that I might be a single mom. Either way, is keeping my baby the right thing to do? Even though I might not be able to provide my baby with both parents?

I want to be a great writer but I cant afford to go to college?

I want to be a writer but I have no formal training and college is out of the question. Should I read books and read the dictionary or just write and try to correct any grammatical errors on my own?

Is my bub's loss of appetite normal?

My 6 month old has been sick with a respiratory virus for around 9 days. It was a nasty one and she lost her appetite. She's usually a big eater - easily goes through 180mls x 5 formula a day plus solids. By about day 3 of her illness she stopped eating at much - she might get through 60 mls of her bottle, then I'll try and get her to have the rest and she might take another 20-40 mls. I backed of the solids to make sure she gets as much nutritional foods as possible. She's definitely on the mend, much happier, sleeping better, less congested but still her appetite hasn't improved. So yeah, is this normal and when should I expect it to improve?

French translation please!?

I was wondering, I need to know what "Act 1" would be translated in french. kinda like the shakespeare story Macbeth. And i was also wondering if anyone knows what "Keep Out", how would it be written in french.

Does God let anything happen that isn't part of His plan?

I asked my religion teacher this question, and she said yes, but that his overarching plan of good triumphing over evil will always happen, regardless of our sins. I have a hard time accepting this. He has a plan for each of us, but since he is timeless, then wouldn't he know exactly what was going to happen? Original sin was NOT part of his plan, but it happened anyway, and every single human being lives with that original sin. Thus, our personal plans for salvation are based on that original sin, as well as Jesus coming to Earth! How could God's plan for salvation include Jesus coming to save us if original sin wasn't part of his plan, but that's exactly what Jesus came to free us from? Does he keep changing it constantly to fit with the happenings in the world, and if so, then some of his plans must contradict each other. He can't have a plan for no sin and then a plan to save us from sin at the same time, since he is timeless and can see all of existence in one moment. Can someone please clear this up for me?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What is Lily B. on the brink of love summary?

Lily B. has finally found love! Or so she thinks... He's the perfect Boy with the cutest looks. She tries to understand things he's into without realizing that he's completely not for her. And in the middle of this, she becomes a secretary for an author (The Boy is her son, can you believe it?).

I bought an airsoft pistol and I live in NYC. My dad's pissed off at me. What should I tell him?

Will Smith once said... "Parent Just Don't Understand" But, I'm sure your parents are thinking that "Kids just don't understand". Have you ever been shot with your airsoft? If not, I suggest having someone shoot you from a distance, then start moving closer and keep shooting you until you can't take it anymore. That way you know how it feels. If that makes you want to shoot things like other people or animals or property, then you probably shouldn't keep it. If you are just plinking, then I don't see an issue with it. But... If your parents provide you with free food, clothes, and shelter you need to decide which is more important. I have been shot with one very close range on direct skin. About 2 years later, I still have a scar from it on my leg. I feel that pistols are for people with a CCW for protective reasons, sport shooters, or for home security. I don't feel that there is a reason beyond that.

Why do women risk getting pregnant if they know theyll have an ABORTION if they conceive?

You know what? I wish I had an answer but I wonder about this same exact thing. I'm 23 years old. I got pregnant when I was 22 years old and my first child was a miscarriage. That was in September 2008. My husband and I are trying to conceive our second child (We've been trying since December) and have yet to have any luck but we are still trying really hard. We've had a family planning meeting with our doctor and everything. I don't understand why women have knowing that there is always a chance of pregnancy, especially those who don't want to get pregnant or know that they are just going to abort it. This type of thing makes me sick. Good question, I'm sure there are millions of us who are wondering the same thing. (Especially those who have had a miscarriage or who someone who has always wanted children but struggles with infertility for whatever reasons!) Good post! I really enjoyed it!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

ity (for both genders)?

I think that these things are all things we as gay people must face when deciding to come out. I'm not going to lie to can be a difficult life if you let all those things you mention get to you. Be strong in your beliefs and strong in yourself, realizing that your ultimate happiness will come when you are able to fully accept who you are and be able to share this with the others you love. It's never easy for people to hear this kind of news, but be smart about who you decide to tell, as not everyone has to know...the people you are close and personal with in everyday life are the ones that aren't going to care either way. If they do end up making an issue of it, then as hard as it may be, let them go as they will be no good for you. Your family will hopefully come around, and in the end respect and love you even more for having shared this and being honest about who you really are. As far as finding like minded ladies...don't worry...there is a funny way of how this ends up happening, and also when you are up for it, start socializing in the gay community...there's lots of love waiting there for you! I wish the best and hope all the wonderful things in life find there way to you...its all there for the taking, sharing and loving. D

So I ask a question about a girl and this person dan comments about me not being a christian. Is he for real?

Ok so he said that I am not a christian because I asked a couple questions that were pretty profane. Talking about a body part. I understand that there are people that claim to be Christian and think that they do not sin at all, so they like to go around telling other people that they do not love God or else they would be perfect like them. hahahahaha. To me this is funny. Then he takes a description I have about a girl as if the description is perfect but the author is so imperfect that he would want to criticize me. He says that he would like this girl too. well if I am at least as bad as he says I am why then would I pen something he has Absolutely no problem with? That to me seems illogical. Will someone clearify this to me. He said that what I have answered and asked are not Christian like. Is he serious?

Water not staying hot, and has to be run very slow.?

The boiler being worn should not cause the flow problem you have with your sink tap and your bath tap. You may have a hot water line tied into a cold water line and you should call the plumber back and show him the problem.

Why is Joe Jonas so UGLY?

This is a serious question. He looks like a monkey. I just want to go up to him and ask him if he wants a banana. HOO HOO HA HA. Do his parents resemble monkeys too?? What is the reason behind his hideousness?

How do u tell ur crush u hav a crush on them?

My frend likes this guy at skool but she doesn't want him to know because shes afraid he won't lke her back their nickname could be something like Jalika or some other. :) that's if he likes her back.

Location for reconditioned stoves?

hi HELP>does anyone know where i can get reconditioned vintage stoves in australia,i just cant get anywhere and yes the US has heaps,but not practical for us aussies,there must be somewhere in australia that would have these,so i really hope someone can help thanks judy d

Why are girls so shallow ;/?

It has nothing to do with you, so your self esteem should not get hurt. Girls are just stupid, plain and simple. They go for the bad boy, the one one who will cause drama in their lives. No clue why, but girls like a certain level of complicity in their lives. Once they hit a certain age, they begin to see that a nice guy like you has slipped away and is with someone who appreciated him from the start. Hang in there. You seem like a sweet guy and you will find someone who appreciates you and loves you. Til then, enjoy your life.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Americanistas wouldnt this be a good team?

anybody can edit wikipidea....also yeah it would be a good team but i would like it even more if we used our players from our cantera more because im sure the players from our cantera would play with love for the shirt y le echaraian mas ganas.....

Hello everyone, i was caught overspeeding in New york, NY.?

I would like to know what i'm likely going to face for getting clocked doing 162 mph while the speed limit was 65 mph on the NY/ NJ turnpike 2 days ago by a state trooper?What is going to be the likely outcome when I go to court? Do you advice me to plead guilty or fight the charge. I'm quite really shaken and afraid right now.PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

Do men really expect women to look perfect?

Call it a cliche but i happen to find women most attractive in their pj's after they get out the shower. Do men really expect women to look like the ones on tv. Don't get me wrong i don't like fat girls but i understand what a real pair of titties looks like etc and find all different kinds of women size 12 and under to be beautiful. Do women do all that stupid stuff to their hair and face because they think men like it? and do men like it?

10 gallon tank stocking ideas?

dwarf gouramis and blue rams would do just fine in your tank and i think that they would get along just fine in the tank.

Science Question Help!? (dep. and indp. variables)?

I did a science lab the other day, and am now answering questions pretaining to the lab. Here's what the lab was about: finding densities, volumes, andmes of 5 different blocks of different material. The question is what is the dependent and independent variable. My guess would be the blocks are indepedent, and teh density of them would be dependent? Please Help!

Get answers from millions of real people.?

My fiance is in incarerated in prison and he thinks he can use the judical thing or file for judicial what does that mean? and does mean he gets out early? help

What are Rocky Mountain Oysters - do people actually eat those things?

Rocky Mountain Oysters are what you get when you casterate a calf, cut it up, batter them, and fry them. then you make a sauce with ranch and ketchup. they are really delicious. and yes, we do actually eat them. really, they are good. if yo don't think about it they're even better.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Multiple speakers on single amp?

The impedance matching controls take care of this problem. Also, modern solid state amps aren't as sensitive to impedance issues as the older amps, especially tube amps. A modern solid state amp transfers the power regardless of the load. Just get one that will provide the power you need to drive the load you want.

When xm and sirius sat radio become one are you gonna be able to have a xm radio and be able to get sirius?

i have an xm radio now and but i really like the sirius radio staions better...will i eventually be able to get them on my xm radio?

My Early Wrestlemania 25 Predictions!?

great card, only differences i see is maybe they put shelton and mvp in a us title match, (although mitb without shelton might be a let down) and i didn't see finlay in the ecw title match, maybe in the mitb, although i wouldn't be surprised if all of your predictions were spot on. I'm really looking forward to Jeff vs Matt and HBK vs Taker.

Bad computer issue, help please!?

This sounds like it may be the "fn" key locked on your keyboard. Check and see if the numbers are written in blue on your keyboard. If so, the function key may somehow be locked. To unlock it, you should be able to figure it out from your manual.

Survey: What would you do if your BFF or BF/GF takes your coffee?

this survey is a study in Humanities , geared toward philosophy and the exploration and explanation of human experience.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Susan Atkins Denied parole again yesterday. Right or Wrong?

I don't think anyone believed she would be getting parole. She will die in a prison hospital, within the next few months

I asked a Q about Clothing Optional Beaches, and it was categorized under Gay, , etc. Why is that?

I don't know but can relate -I ask a question about Kurt Cobain saying the "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they are not after you" and it was posted in this category and got some hateful answers like ' what are you doing posting that in this category" when I didn't but Yahoo did automatically.

Can ya please help?(i posted this yesterday and nobody answered)?

go for it. ask her out. nothing too heavy at first. maybe even a lunch thing. it sounds like if you spend some time together you will both find out if you want it to go any further. ask her, i bet she says yes.

British People for Britsh Jobs?

The problem is that everyone else is doing the same!! Most countries have, as a policies, to employ first their countryman before employing foreigners. I understand why it's different in England (salaries are too high) but I do understand as well why this is not sustainable.

Does he want to hang out or was he just being polite? Should I stop trying?

I think you should just wait and see if he responds to you. From the way you explained it, I could see how he might think you were blowing him off repeatedly. I'm sure you weren't, but look at it from his point of view. He may have been thinking the same thing you are now, then decided he didn't have time to play games. Just wait it out, I think.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Am I going to hell because I have a foot ?

Really, it says nothing about it in the bible AND the media constantly looks down upon the people who have one... I'm feeling really insecure right now and would prefer if people would give me detailed yet straightforward answers.

Is it really about marriage.....or is about the acceptance of a sinful life style by society?

A correction to the humorous "Reverend Soleil" who wants to suggest that "nobody is obliged to care about what you think is sinful." That's not exactly truthful. Since 75 % of the nation is considered Christian, many of that 75% would disagree with the funny funny Reverend.

Yet again - Bella's Lullaby sheet music?

Shortly: If you cannot find anything online, it is much likely that it does not exist as a sheet music book neither.

Keyboard virus?

i have what seems to be a virus affecting my keyboard. Several keys refuse to function . The keys not working vary from session to session so i doubt it is a hardware problem. Has anyone come across this or could reccomend a downloadable virus killer to eliminate it ? I have already tried Avast and spyware blaster thank you


Deter whether the following sequence is arithmetic or geometric, and then find the common difference or the common ratio. 2,3,4.5, 6.75

M 6.4 boy age is 19.i luk nice and personality is also good..all say about it..but.m i 2 tal for grls?

wel tbh im am small compare to sum ppl buh i love boys dha ar tall sumtimes mst girls wud rader a fellah dha was tal because they can protect them and usualy tall boys are mre fitter and hav a nicer body now i know not all girls ar lyk me but ask yourself if you wer a girl would you rather has sum1 to protect you with a fit body or sum1 who is smal and cant protect and stick up for you and who wouldn hav a fit body..? and you shouldn be ashamed of you height..(: reply

Spanish 2 Homework help?

Antes de graduarme, tengo que ir a la escuela por dos a�os mas. Despues de graduarme, ire a la universidad por cuatro a�os para estudiar negocios. Tendre que estudiar mucho, pero necesito graduarme. Despues de graduarme, tendre una gran fiesta.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Thoughts on these not so commonly used girl names?

I love Selena and Carmen, but so gorgeous! Carmen only works on a Spanish-speaking girl though or a girl with Spanish heritage, in my opinion, while Selena I can imagine on anyone. The others aren't my taste, but I do love the not-s-commonly-used trait.

Will T.I. have to dress up in a mascot bloodhouund dog and tell schools not to do drugs?

It might help....and his wife can dress up to look like Fiona from Shrek...wait, she already does....

Anyone have the instructions/recipes for Chilton's cookie cutters?

They had baking and decorating instructions as well as recipes; one for making long lasting ornaments with recipes and instructions for making and using white china or baker's clay.

Is it ment to be something?? It sure seems that way on my end.?

Jared back in 6th grade was in the medium crowd, offered to be Sarahs partner in gym and told her he would protect her (hockey). She started to like him and could have sworn he played footsie with her at the library. She had a friend ask if he liked her, reply was no or something. Since Sarah was young and persistant she asked more friends to do it and was allways the same answer. He did not even want to be her dance partner in a play and told to her face he did not like her. Hurt her feelings but she 'got' it. End of 6th grade he ease dropped her convo (s) and once replied like "I love purple skittles too!" and continued to talk about things they both like in common. After school, she came back and had him in 7th grade. Rarely asked people to ask him things. He would glance at her all the time. She thought if she called with a friend that knows him, it would be better. She called and did not get good results, he again pointed out he didn't like her and made her cry (stupid) and next

Do those damn Americans want America to fail?

Everyday, I hear treason against our government, some even going as far as to wish it woe! Do Americans hate America that much?

Would free agency be good for AFL?

No way..! look at Soccer in England. If your club doesnt have the $$$ , you are pretty much stuffed. All the rich clubs sit at the top of the ladder - its no contest really.

Should I get another damselfish?

Give your aggressive damsel to your fish store and replace him with a yellow tail damsel they are less aggressive. As for your coral question i don't think you should add anything. Adding coral would be a hole new thing. You would have to buy a 400 dollar lighting system and a R.O. filter

Best AT&T Phone for Music and has a nice camera and isn't annoying?

I was thinking an LG Shine or a Blackjack II or a LG Vu, but i would like to know what else there is. Feedback on these phones and others would also be appreciated.

Is Facebook safer than Myspace? Or is it the other way around?

I have a Myspace, but a lot of people talk about the dangers of it and all the rapists and stuff. But people usually say good stuff about the safety of Facebook. Yesterday I was looking at this countdown thingy of the 5 worst sites or something and Facebook was higher on the list than Myspace. So should I get rid of my Myspace and get a Facebook? I'm kinda confused....

Who handled the State Farms in Russia?

A collective was introduced in Russia involving farmers for incentives called a state farm? what does it do?

Ingestion of dry chemical?

So basically, you ate some fertilizers (monoammonium phosphate, ammonium sulfate), rock (mica), baby powder (talc), and a bunch of random dust/crud. The fertilizer part is probably the worst, and the other two are basically inert (unless you breathe it in, which is bad). That "HMIS 1-0-0" indicates the hazard; first number is health risk, then flammability, then reactivity. The 1 in health signifies "Irritation or minor reversible injury possible," and the other two are 0, meaning it won't burn or explode (as you would hope, for a fire extinguisher). So, it's something you don't want to be doing often, but unless you really loaded up your toast with it, you'll probably be fine this time. If you feel weird or worried, call the poison control center or go to the hospital, but otherwise, just don't do it again... (and clean out your oven before you use it).

How can i compare the theme "dreams" of John Stienbecks writing?

I have only read the first two pieces, but from the essence of those two (and knowing Steinbeck's usual style) there appears a clear connection. Have you thought of or discussed the main theme of "Of Mice and Men"? There can be many themes but a pretty obvious one is how chasing after a dream can lead to one's downfall. Example: Lenny and George chasing after their dream of owning a farm leads to Lenny being shot at George's hand. And, in the second story Elisa dreams of having a place in society besides the boring housewife routine society has cuffed her with. She wishes to be important. Her dream leads to perhaps her emotional downfall when the traveling man dispenses of her flowers on the road and she sees them as she drives past with her husband. The flowers symbolize her dream of being important, of being something more than stuck at home. Seeing her dream laying trampled on the road leads to her emotional downfall. Does the third story have any type of connection as the above two? I would try to go this route. Ultimately, your teacher cannot deduct points if you write about the connection of dreams you see between the stories and provide accurate evidence to back your ideas. Good luck!

Help SHOW SaDdLe PaDs?

Yes u can show with that pad. For hunters and eq you have to use pad like that, but for jumpers it doesn't really matter what pad u use. They are usually made out of fleece.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Awesome warrior fighter names!?

We are having this nerd-team thing at my school. There are five of us, and we all want warrior themed nicknames. What are some cool ones? Two of us already have them: King Leonidas and Julius Caesar. They can be fictional, but have to be well known. Thank you for answering!

What haunts war veterans the most?

For nearly 30 years I've worked with a Viet Nam war veteran. He seldom talks about the war, but on rare occasion the subject comes up. I asked him recently what kind of nightmares do veterans have when they wake up in the night sweating and shaking? Are they being pursued or attacked by the enemy? Watching their buddies die? What? He told me that what haunts many of them is the memory of things they did in the war. Things that had to be done to stay alive. Things they would never want their wives and children to know, because sometimes the threat at the moment was a woman or a child, and they did what they had to do. I've heard stories about children being used to walk in the road to slow down convoys in the war in the Middle East so the convoy is more vulnerable to attack, and that the convoys are prone to drive over the children, if necessary, to avoid slowing down or stopping. My heart goes out to all the innocent victims of war, which includes the vast majority of the service men and women who are thrust into an impossible situation where there are very few rules. Mostly they just have to "wing it" on a moment by moment basis, and try to stay alive. Your comments are welcome.

Do you watch church programs on t.v.?

Some are very interesting actually. Also Joyce Meyers. My mom watches her and Creflo a lot. Joyce is very forward which is good. I understand the church thing because I've been away from it a very long time since I left NY. Hard to find good churches where I'm at.